The Community T-Shirt Project believes it’s more than just a t-shirt. We believe a t-shirt can change the world. We are looking to collaborate with communities across the country to impact our world and impact their local community. Do you have an event, know of a fundraiser, or a charity that needs support? We are here to help make a difference.
Current Collections
Create Stronger Communities
This Tshirt could be the spark of imagnation to fire up the furnaces of teamwork.

You see, a t-shirt can make you laugh, cry, dance, high-five others; or conjure up emotional feelings of pride, joy, happiness and togetherness and positivity. T-shirts are used to promote unity, create equality, build pride and inspire loyalty. On top of that, they create interactions that get people talking, tell a story, or help build a better community.. So start the conversation and contact us about how you can get involved.